Tobias Rauer - Web Software & Security Engineer
RAWr co.detheme

OWASP Top 10 and how to protect your application

Published on Fri, 23 Dec 2022 by Tobias Rauer

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The OWASP Top 10 is designed to provide a common language for discussing web application security and to provide a basis for effective security measures. It is not a definitive list of all web application security risks, but rather a prioritized list of the most critical and prevalent risks. By addressing these risks, organizations can significantly improve the security of their web applications and protect sensitive data from being accessed or compromised by attackers.

The OWASP Top 10 2021 include the following risks:

1 Broken Accesss Control

Access control enforces policy such that users cannot act outside of their intended permissions.


Failures typically lead to unauthorized information disclosure, modification, or destruction of all data or performing a business function outside the user's limits.


It is generally true that access control is more effective when implemented in trusted server-side code or serverless APIs, as these environments are more secure and less vulnerable to tampering by attackers.

In a server-side environment, access control checks are typically implemented in the application's code and are executed by the server. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to modify the access control checks or metadata, as they would need to compromise the server in order to do so.

So, Access control is only effective in trusted server-side code or server-less API, where the attacker cannot modify the access control check or metadata.

2 Cryptographic Failures

Cryptographic failures refer to vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the cryptography used to secure a web application. This can include the use of weak or insecure cryptographic algorithms, poor key management practices, or the failure to properly implement or use cryptography.


Cryptographic failures can have serious consequences, as they can allow attackers to gain access to sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of the user.


To mitigate cryptographic failure risks, organizations should ensure that they are using strong and secure cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implement proper key management practices, and properly implement and use cryptography in their web applications. Regular review and testing of cryptography should also be conducted to ensure that it is functioning properly and effectively.

3 Injection

This is a vulnerability that occurs when an attacker is able to execute arbitrary commands or code by injecting them into a web application.


This can allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of the user.


Injection attacks can be mitigated through proper input validation and sanitization, as well as by using prepared statements and parameterized queries.

4 Insecure Design

Insecure design points to the use of poor design practices or flawed architectural choices that can introduce vulnerabilities in a web application.


These vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to gain access to sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of the user.


To prevent insecure design vulnerabilities, organizations should follow secure design principles and practices when developing their web applications. This includes using strong and secure algorithms for encryption and authentication, properly handling and protecting sensitive data, using server-side validation, and regularly reviewing and updating third-party components and libraries. But also taking every conceptual process into account.

5 Security Misconfiguration

Security misconfiguration refers to vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the configuration of a web application's and their intrastructure's security settings. This can include the use of default or weak passwords, the failure to properly configure access controls or authentication mechanisms, or the failure to apply security patches or updates.


Security misconfiguration can have serious consequences, as it can leave a web application vulnerable to attack and allow unauthorized access to sensitive data. It can also undermine the trust users have in the application, as they may no longer feel confident that their data is being properly protected.


To mitigate security misconfiguration risks, organizations should ensure that their web applications are properly configured and secure, including properly configured access controls. They should also regularly apply security patches and updates and review and test their security configurations to ensure that they are functioning properly and effectively.

6 Vulnerable and outdated Components

Vulnerable and outdated components refer to the use of third-party libraries, frameworks, or components that have known vulnerabilities or that are no longer supported or maintained. These components can include libraries, frameworks, and other code that is used to build a web application, such as JavaScript libraries, database drivers, and other dependencies.


The use of vulnerable and outdated components can have serious consequences, as it can allow attackers to exploit known vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of the user. This also can undermine the trust users have in the application.


To mitigate the risk of vulnerable and outdated components, organizations should regularly review and update the components and libraries they use, as well as implement security testing to identify and fix vulnerabilities. They should also consider using secure coding practices and following secure design principles when developing their web applications.

7 Identification and Authentication Failures

This occurs when an application's authentication and session management mechanisms are flawed.


it allows an attacker to gain access to the application (privilege escalation) or take over a user's session.


To mitigate this risk, organizations should implement strong authentication and session management controls, such as using secure password policies, implementing multifactor authentication, and using encrypted and secure session tokens. They should also regularly review and test their identification and authentication mechanisms.

8 Software and Data Integrity Failures

Software and data integrity failures refer to situations where the integrity of a website's software or data is compromised. This could include instances where an attacker is able to make unauthorized changes to the software code of a website, manipulate data stored on the website, access and exfiltrate sensitive data, introduce malware or other malicious software, or exploit software vulnerabilities.


Software and data integrity failures can have serious consequences for a website, including causing the website to behave unexpectedly or display incorrect or incomplete information, exposing sensitive data to unauthorized parties, and potentially harming users. It is important for websites to have robust security measures in place to protect against these types of failures and ensure the integrity of their software and data.


Build web applications using secure coding practices and follow secure design principles. They should also implement measures to protect data from being modified or deleted by unauthorized parties, such as implementing data integrity controls and regularly backing up and protecting data. Regular review and testing of software and data integrity should also be conducted to ensure that they are functioning properly and effectively.

9 Security Logging and Monitoring Failures

This can include the failure to properly implement or maintain logging and monitoring systems, the failure to properly protect log data from being accessed or modified by unauthorized parties, or the failure to properly review and analyze log data for security incidents.


Security logging and monitoring failures can have serious consequences, as they can prevent organizations from detecting and responding to security incidents in a timely manner.


Ensure that logging and monitoring systems is properly implemented and maintained, and that log data is properly protected and secured. They should also regularly review and analyze log data for security incidents and implement appropriate response and remediation measures. Regular review and testing of security logging and monitoring systems should also be conducted.

10 Server-Side Request Forgery

Server-side request forgery (SSRF) is a vulnerability that occurs when an attacker is able to send requests from the server to an arbitrary destination.


This can allow an attacker to access internal services or resources that are not intended to be exposed to the public, such as internal APIs or databases.


To mitigate this risk, organizations should ensure that they are using a whitelist of allowed destinations for server-side requests, and that they are not using user-supplied input to determine the destination of server-side requests.


By implementing robust security measures and keeping their websites and applications up-to-date, businesses can protect themselves and their users from a wide range of cyber threats and maintain the integrity of their software and data. It is important to stay informed about the latest web security vulnerabilities and to take proactive measures to protect against them, in order to ensure a safe and secure online experience for all.

Information Security